Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This blog page is dedicated to my brother Mike who is going to be 41 years old on February 17th of this year. He lives in Michigan with our older (hehehe) sister Terri. He has lived there since February 2002. I have all these pictures of him from over the years and I decided what better way to tell him Happy Birthday than to let everyone I know see just how cute he was as a little kid and how cute he still is at 41. So Mike....this is for you!!

Look at how cute he was as a little boy. This is him with our Grandpa. Grandma is in the background. My brother was just 12 months old in this picture and from the looks of it has some chubby little cheeks. :)

Here he is on Christmas morning in 1973 when he was 6 years old. Look at how excited he seems to be and he hasn't even opened the present to see what record is wrapped up. Of course the other record player was for me...but I was probably off playing with a box or something as I was only 4 years old.

Apparently a record player was not all he got that year for Christmas. Lucky for the dog, whose name was Moose, there were not real bullets in the gun. You look like a real bad guy there Mike with your footie pajamas on.

I am not sure when this picture was taken, but he was about to fall over. He was learning to walk and the pillows were in front of him to catch him when he fell over. Which, from stories that I have heard, he did all the time while learning to walk.

There are all pictures from different
grades in school. I don't know about you but I LOVE the one of you right above Mike. You just look so cute...sad...but very cute!! I think that was 1st grade!

Here you are at 2 1/2 years old learing how to play the guitar. Our father was an EXCELLENT guitar player so my brother I am sure wanted to follow in those footsteps.

Here you are at 4 1/2 years old in the backyard of our "old house". I use this term because it was the first house we ever lived in as kids. We always called it the "old house".

In both of these pics he has traded in the guitar from when he was 2 1/2 for a more stylish and hip look of the famous air guitar. Nice Mike! No matter where my brother was he always had his air guitar with him and played it A LOT!!

Not that you want to remember this, but who can forget the chicken pox?? Did you even know I had this picture?? hehehe
And yes, you can thank me for giving them to you. I mean come on now, what is a little sister for. You were 12 years old here just in case you needed reminding. :)

We were all so proud of you here!! You graduated from Sheldon High School in June of 1986. That was so Awesome to watch you march on the stage in your cap and gown to get your diploma. Way to go!!

You look like you are either getting ready to
yell at Terri and I here for doing something you
didn't like or you are just not happy about something.
Either way you were cute!

I am not even going to begin to assume what the heck you were doing here. I thought the picture was very funny though so I had to add it to this page. :)

And finally here you were just 6 months ago. This was taken at the chineese buffet we went to for your friends birthday. I am not sure how to spell his name so I am going to guess...his name is Retius right?

Well Happy Birthday big brother. I hope you like all these pictures that I found of you. This is going to be out there for lots of people to see. I wanted everyone to know just what a cutie I have for a brother.

I love you!!! :)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Basketball season

Go Spartans!!

Just wanted to put some pictures on of Taylor's basketball team. She has about 5 games left and she is loving it. I am not sure they have won any games yet, but they sure get out there and have fun. That is why they are fun to watch.

Family Time

All of the following pictures were taken at Jimmy's (Grandpa's) birthday party. McKenzie had to make her rounds with everyone!

It was nice to meet Shaunta's future husband Dan. He had never held a baby before so we let McKenzie be his first. I have to say he did a pretty good job!

Doesn't he look like a natural here? McKenzie was quite for him for about 2 minutes and then started getting a little squirmy in his arm. Not bad though for a first timer. Next time he will have to be aquainted with diapers I think though :)

Look at this!! Grandpa is holding McKenzie. She loved it too. She really likes it when Grandpa talkes to her. She usually coos or giggles or smiles at him. He says he is nervous to hold her because he thinks he will break her, but he looks pretty comfortalbe here I think. :)

This was a nice picture of Martin, Amelia, and McKenzie. She really loves all the attention.

This is a GREAT picture of Martin and his mom. As you can see McKenzie was loving this too.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Fun in the Snow


Hi everyone! What a crazy week it was this week with the snow we had. We woke up Sunday morning to a good 2 inches outside. That is not a lot for some of you reading this, but to us here in Springfield it is a ton. Before everyone got out in the snow for the day we decided to take some pictures of it. It was really very pretty. :)

Taylor stayed the night at her dads house on Saturday night so I was not able to get any pictures of her out playing in the snow. And I am sorry to say I didn't get a picture of Bill and our next door neighbor Tom grappling in the snow either. However I am sure you can all imagine what a sight that was.

I was able however to get a couple pictures of McKenzie out in her first snow. It was very cold on Sunday morning so I we did not keep her out in it long. Just long enough to have pictures to mark the "first snow" for her.

This is her laying in the middle of our Street. Of course there was no traffic that morning :) Doesn't she just look thrilled? It was still snowing while we were out there so as she was laying there for this 20 seconds while I snapped the pictures snow was falling on her.

Here I am with McKenzie. She was so bundled up in her little snow outfit and hat that she could barely move.

Here is Daddy out in the snow with her too. You can see how much it was snowing while I was taking the pictures with this shot. She did not seem to mind it though.

I don't know about the rest of you but this picture of the two of them is one of my favorite!
They just look so cute and cuddly together in this picture. What do you think?? Daddy loves his little girl?? Ya I think so too!!

I will get more pictures on here soon but I wanted to get these out to everyone today. I hope everyone is doing great and we would love to hear from you!!

Bill, Kelli, Taylor and McKenzie :)