Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It has been over 3 months since I updated this blog and believe me I hear about it about once a week from someone. I am even starting to hear about it from people I don't even know because they can access the pictures from my friend Wendy's blog and they are telling her that I need to update my blog. So....since I have a few minutes without kids around and while I am not working on the business I decided to update this so that I don't start getting phone calls from complete strangers or Grandma June! (Wendy's mother-in-law) :)~
Here are a bunch of new pictures of our family.

These first two were taken back around Valentines Day. Ya I know that was 3 months ago, but at least you are getting to see them now right?? Don't the girls look cute together. And the picture of McKenzie laughing was the first time she really laughed out loud at something. She was doing it here because I was tickling the back of her legs to get her to smile!

Here is a great....yet quite cheesy picture of Taylor and Bill the dayafter a parents night out at the karate school. The theme was St. Patricks Day and that is why the silly green hats.

We went to a Birthday party where they had Mexican Dancing. Taylor went out on the floor with a friend of hers from the Karate school, Roman, and that is the picture below. And then also with his dad, in the brown shirt. She had so much fun learning how to dance.

This picture was taken back in March when she was just learning how to eat food. This was her first food ever...and it was sweet potatoes. Ever since then she loves her food. Holy cow does she love her food!!

Grandma found this place at the mall that does "old time" photos of children so we took McKenzie there one day to check it out. She got all dressed up in a fancy dress with this hat and pearls and then posed for the cameras. She did really good until they put her on her stomach for this picture. They got this one taken and that was all she was going to stand for. She did not like being on her stomach and she let everyone know it. :)

For our one year Anniversary Bill and I went up the McKenzie River to Blue River and stayed in a very nice cabin right on the water. For a day trip we drove over to Sisters and looked around. The weather was very sunny and so McKenzie go to try out her sunglasses. Doesn't she look like a rock star??

Speaking of McKenzie liking her food. It was a very hot day and we were all having ice cream cones. Little Miss here wanted to try it out. I gave her a little taste of my cone and she did a face plant into the top of it. Not only that but she liked it so much she had to have a little more and then a little more. As you can see from her face she likes Swirl cones from Dairy Queen.

This is one of her favorite things to do. She gets in her walker and if she is on tile or something other than carpet she is a mad baby on the loose! She loves to move around. She can make it go all over the garage and in the kitchen while I am in there. Daddy calls it her car and is constantly reminding her to park it at night.

And Finally....you have all heard about Bill's little run in with someone a few weeks ago I am sure. If not from me then from our friends. Very few of you have actually seen what he looked like though. Believe me when I tell you he does not want these pictures shown to people, but hey like I told him....If you are going to go out and fight in the streets then you will have to be prepared for people to want to know about it and see what you looked like afterwards. So.....Here are a couple of the pictures for you all to look at. My Husband.....the brute!!

This was day one. About 2 hours after it happened. He did not have to go and get stitches...we just took care of it at home. In this picture his eyes are not black yet...but they got that way a few days later.

This was day 3. The picture does not clearly show the bruising around his eyes but believe me it was there. Doesn't he look wonderful?

And Finally....this is what he thought of me taking his picture so I could show them off proudly to all my friends and family. I mean come on...that is what you do when your kids have things happen to them right?? Why should he be any different?? I love you honey!! :)

So I hope this keeps me in good graces with everyone that has been looking for pictures of the family and they have not been here. I appologize for it taking so long to get this updated. New baby (okay she is 6 months old now), a new business, a pre-teen to deal with...that alone should explain a lot and give me some slack! I will do my best to keep it updated more often and if I should slip up and for get from time to time just let Wendy know and I she will tell me! :)